Sep 14

Moving Violations in Maryland: Should I Pay My Ticket, Request a Waiver Hearing, or Request a Trial?

By Lee J. Eidelberg Moving violations in Maryland vary in severity. Some call only for the payment of fines while others call for jail sentences that require offenders to appear in court on a designated trial date. For moving violations that carry no penalty of incarceration, offenders can elect one of three options that are… Read More »

Aug 02

Commonly Used Legal Terms in Maryland’s Criminal Court

By Lee J. Eidelberg When faced with the unfortunate circumstance of being charged with a serious motor vehicle violation or a criminal offense in Maryland, it’s important to become familiar with the terminology that is customarily used in the State’s traffic and criminal courts. Brushing up on the most commonly used legal terms will allow… Read More »

Jul 28

Maryland Marijuana Law 101

Laws regarding marijuana possession and use are constantly changing, and it’s important to know how they apply to you as a Maryland resident. Discover when marijuana is and isn’t legal in Maryland, and the punishments involved in breaking the law. Possession of Marijuana In 2014, Maryland passed a law that decriminalized the possession of small… Read More »

Jul 21

What Happens To My Assets If I Die Without a Last Will & Testament?

By Jacob M. Rappaport, Esq. Contrary to popular belief, if one dies without a Last Will & Testament (“Intestate”), the Government will not automatically take your assets, rather, the assets will be distributed in accordance with the order listed in the Maryland Intestate statutes. The absolute last resort recipient listed is the County Board of… Read More »

May 15

How Can a Misdiagnosis Lead to a Medical Malpractice Claim?

Medical professionals should be able to properly diagnose their patient. Of their many obligations, diagnosis is part of a proper doctor-patient relationship. When you ask to have a name assigned to your ailment, you’re putting your faith into the hands of these professionals, trusting them with your health. In some cases, you could even be… Read More »